Edward Alfrey, MD Appointed to Marin Healthcare District Board of Directors

GREENBRAE, CA Residents of Marin County have elected candidate, Edward Alfrey, MD, to sit as director of the Marin Healthcare District (MHD) board. Dr. Alfrey will take the seat of Dr. Harris F. “Hank” Simmonds, who served 12 years on the board.

Alfrey, the medical director of trauma and chairperson of the surgery department at MarinHealth Medical Center, has more than 36 years of experience in the medical field. He is also chair of the board for Prima Medical Group and board member of San Francisco Marin Medical Society.

“Dr. Alfrey’s background bring a new perspective to the Board and I look forward to seeing the positive impact he will have on MHD’s initiatives our community,” said David G. Klein, MD, CEO of MarinHealth.

Dr. Alfrey’s plans for the District include increasing access to Marin’s community clinics, ensuring a successful alliance between MarinHealth and UCSF Health, and continuing MarinHealth’s excellent trauma care.

“I am proud to be joining the MHD board,” said Alfrey. “I would like to thank my supporters, and I look forward to working alongside fellow board members and company management to actively promote MarinHealth Medical Center as an unmatched healing place for our community.”

Alfrey succeeds longtime board member, Harris “Hank” Simmonds, MD, who has served the Marin community for nearly 50 years as an OB/GYN physician from 1971-2006, chief of staff at Marin General Hospital from 1983-1985, and both director and chairman of the MHD board from 2008-2020.

“It is my fervent hope that Dr. Alfrey, working with the Board, will continue the progress we have made advancing the good name and reputation of Marin Healthcare District and our hospital,” said Simmonds.

“I would like to specially thank Dr. Simmonds for his decades of service and being an invaluable resource to the Marin community,” said Dr. Klein. “While serving on the board, Dr. Simmonds helped MHD navigate the transfer of MarinHealth Medical Center back to independence in 2010. He also lent strong support in the successful campaigns to pass Measure F, a GO bond to fund our new hospital in 2013, and Lease Renewal Measure R in 2015. His presence on the board will be missed.”

Alfrey holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Denver, medical degree from the University of Colorado and master’s degree in healthcare management from Harvard University.


About Marin Healthcare District

Marin Healthcare District (MHD) owns MarinHealth Medical Center. Located in Greenbrae, MarinHealth Medical Center is the only full-service, acute care hospital in Marin. Established by the State of California in 1946, MHD is responsible for promoting the health and welfare of the residents of Marin County. This includes maintaining county-wide access to care and ensuring that the hospital is in seismic compliance and ready to meet the needs of residents in the event of a natural disaster. MHD serves as a strong advocate for high quality care, provides a forum to discuss health care issues that affect the communities, and provides oversight of major transactions, board appointments and the hospital’s performance goals. Read more about the guiding principles of the Marin Healthcare District.

Media Contact:
Jamie Maites
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Office: 1-415-925-7424
Mobile: 1-240-506-8556
Email: Jamie.Maites@mymarinhealth.org

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