District Board Seeking Applicants for new Measure F Bond Oversight Committee

GREENBRAE, CA — The Marin Healthcare District Board of Directors is seeking applicants from the community to serve on a newly formed general obligation bond oversight committee. The seven-member committee will oversee expenditure of revenues from Measure F, the $394 million general obligation bond authorized by a two-thirds majority of Marin County voters in November 2013.

Revenues from the bond sale will be used to help finance Marin General Hospital’s MGH 2.0 expansion project which includes construction and renovations needed to improve Marin General Hospital. In particular, the project will include seismic upgrades required for the hospital to meet strict California earthquake standards and to ensure Marin County’s only designated trauma center will stay open in case of an earthquake or other disaster. Groundbreaking for the expansion project is scheduled for early 2016, and it is expected to open mid-2020.

During their term, members will represent, advocate and promote the interest of District taxpayers and keep the public informed about how Measure F funds are being allocated and spent. The first meeting will take place in November 2015; meetings will be held quarterly for the duration of the project, approximately four years. Each member will serve for a term of two years and will not receive compensation. Committee members cannot be on the Hospital, District, or Foundation board or on any other related committee.

Interested persons can receive a copy of the packet by calling us. Applications are due Friday, August 21 to the Marin Healthcare District, 100 B Drakes Landing Road, Suite 250, Greenbrae, 94904, c/o Louis Weiner, Executive Assistant to the Marin Healthcare District and Marin General Hospital boards.


Jamie Maites
Director of Communications
Office: 415-925-7424
Mobile: 240-506-8556

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